About me

I’m Rachel Bishop!

(Like the chess piece.)

I’m a casual, chill person who loves to laugh and make others laugh. I’ve always expressed myself best through my writing, and I’m still baffled that I’ve been able to make a career out of it.

I have an inquisitive mind, and I love to learn new things—in fact, I just learned how to change my own brakes in my car, and I’m really proud!

I live in Florida with my husband, Bryan; our two cats, Cici and Ash; and our two birds, Chompers and Quackers. (I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right—it is never quiet in our house.)

My Writing Style

I spent years as a college student, learning to write formally and professionally (e.g., no contractions, no first-person point-of-view, using lofty language, etc.).

Then, I got my first job outside of college and unlearned all that nonsense. :)

I tend to keep my writing casual, jargon-free, and simple. I love infusing humor into my copy when I can. And if I can find a place for a pun, even better. I’m well-versed in adapting my writing voice to adhere to brand voices, too.

And as for the Oxford comma, you’ll have to rip it out of my cold, dead, and lifeless hands. ;)

Here’s a glimpse into my life—and the critters I share it with.